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Aduki Bean Stew with Vegetables

Writer: OrsiOrsi

Updated: Aug 2, 2019

Food for health, Ayurvedic cooking, Easy ayurvedic recipes
Beans & Vegetable stew

Serves 2 Tridoshic

2/3 cup of aduki beans

2 medium green onion

1 clove garlic

2*1 cm ginger

1 small zuccini

1 yellow bell pepper (can be omitted)

3 big tomatoes (peeled, seeds removed)

a pinch of pepper

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

1 teaspoon of coriander powder

1 teaspoon of roman cumin powder

a handful of fresh parsley

2 bay leaves

2 leaves of fresh sage or a flat teaspoon of dried (can be omitted)

3 tablespoons of ghee or olive oil

cane sugar if needed

salt to taste

adjust the sourness with balsamic vinegar if needed

-> for Pitta and Kapha types other beans are good too, you can use Black or Lima beans


Wash the beans and put them to soak in water overnight (if you cook for lunch).

Remove the water next day and add the beans, turmeric, coriander and bay leaves and sage in 1&1/3 cup of water in a pressure cooker or in a pan with good lid to cook until 3 whistles are gone or in a regular pan until it is almost perfectly cooked.

In the meantime chop zuccini, bell pepper, parsley and green onion, grate garlic & ginger and put it aside.

Peel, de-seed and chop the tomatoes into 4 and blend them in a blander.

When the beans are ready put the ghee or oil in a bigger pan, heat it until it is enough warm, then add green onion, once its transparent you can add the garlic & ginger. The next is Roman cumin, let the smell of it come out.

Mix it well then add zuccini and the bell pepper, mix it to roast a bit, approx 2 mins. Now merge this with the beans adding the pureed tomatoes too. Mix well.

Add salt and if the tomatoes were little sour you can add a little cane sugar. Boil them together until all the ingredients are soft (but not too soft). It shouldn't be longer then 15 mins. 5 mins before ready you can add the parsley.

Your meal is ready!

Serve it with rice or millet for kaphas.

If you are the bread type choose any wheat type for vata and pitta, rye or buckwheat for Kapha.


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