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Carrot - Ginger Soup

Writer: OrsiOrsi

Updated: Aug 2, 2019

Ayurvedic food, Healthy Soup, Easy Recipts
Carrot Ginger Soup

Serves 2 Tridoshic

3 medium carrots (chopped, medium large pieces)

2 medium green onion

2 medium potatoes (chopped, medium large pieces) or you can use sweet potato instead (its more Pitta-Vata pacifying then)

a handful of parsley

1 cm*2 cm piece of ginger grated

1 medium orange peel & juice of it (organic would be the best)

a pinch of pepper

1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/3 teaspoon of coriander seed powder

1/3 teaspoon of turmeric

3 spoons of butter or sunflower oil

salt to taste

-> use sunflower oil for Kaphas add

-> add a dash of maple syrup for Pittas (can omit if used sweet potato)

-> sprinkle it with roasted pumpkin seeds for Vattas


Roast the onion then add the cinnamon, grated ginger and roast all together for another minute. Add the chopped potatoes and carrots, mix well and let them all roast for more 2 mins together (mix occasionally).

Add the pepper, coriander, turmeric and salt to taste. Mix well and add half a litre of water.

Let it boil for 20 mins, check, if the carrots and potatoes are soft, if yes blend it with a hand blender.

Add the orange peel, let it boil for 2 mins then turn off the heat. Add the orange juice. First just add the juice of half an orange, taste and add the other half only if you don't feel the taste. Mix it well.

Ready to eat!


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