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Pranayama Foundations
Breathwork Basics of traditional Yoga
About the Sessions
These videos are meant to bring breath awareness closer to everyday people and are based on traditional techniques of yoga.
The sessions are 10-15 mins long and can be practiced individually or as a series of practices. If you have never done them, I recommend you to start with one session per day.
These simple, basic practices can bring enormous amount of benefits to your physical and mental health and most of them have balancing effect on all the doshas.
Once you have completed all the sessions and got familiar with the techniques, you can put together for yourself a sequence to practice on a regular basis. The recommended sequence is as follows:
One of the breath awareness practices: laying down, seated or 3 parts breathing 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2* ratio
Kapalabhati or Ujjay breathing** 10-20 strokes or 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
Left & right nostril breathing** 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
Alternate nostril breathing 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
Bhramari breathing 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
Sheetiali or Sitkari breathing** 6-10 rounds with 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
Close it with seated or laying down observation of your breath
* 1:1 means your inhale and exhale are equal in length, 1:2 means your exhale is double in length of your inhale.
**You can skip it if you have less time. it's better to do less, but with proper awareness, then more, but rushing.
Use a metronome app to help your counting. I like the one called Classic Metronome.
Please note that these exercises are only suitable for those, who do not suffer from any major health problems.
Contraindications are mentioned in the videos, however if you are unsure whether you can do them, its better to consult your doctor or rather choose a private, one to one learning method, where your teacher can choose the practices suiting you personally.
These sessions do not include any elements which may be harmful when done without proper guidance, like holding of the breath (kumbhaka). If you wish to go in that direction, it's recommended to find a teacher who can guide you.
In case you have any questions, please get in touch.
May these breathing practices benefit you as much as they benefited me!
Breathwork Basics of traditional Yoga
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