Learn about the Ayurvedic approach to Life in your own time
Nourishing the Self with good habits, food, and yoga practice suiting you personally to achieve the best of your health.
Yoga - Ayurveda - Recreation - Health - Balance - Contentment - Happiness
We are living in those times, when it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves and have our immune system optimal to stay healthy. Our immune system is optimal when we are in balance and it is more than eating a certain amount of healthy meals per day.
You are not what you eat, but what you can digest! - says Ayurveda
Our digestion also depends on the energies which surround us and our ability to understand our own functioning and our relation to nature.
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health by helping you re-discover the intelligence of your body and guiding you back to nature to create a lifestyle that supports your health through a daily routine, food, the power of everyday herbs and sun energy, yoga, breathing, relaxation-concentration/meditation practices.
Join me on one of the courses below if you wish to know more!

Ayurveda Start
Your first 30 days into Ayurveda to learn the general basics - start your journey anytime
This way of learning is designed for those who got very limited time per day to learn about the different aspects of Ayurveda and wish to be part of a Private Group to receive updates and further education via this forum on a regular basis. The knowledge is shared via pre recorded videos, live sessions, discussions and articles.
You will also receive the Basics of Ayurveda handout with dosha specific recipes to make it easier to follow the videos.
49 EUR*
*membership of the Private Group

Ayurvedic Cooking Club
Dates coming soon
If you wish to be part of a community where we cook, share, inspire and have fun, then this one if for you.
A 12 months program, which is going season by season to introduce you to the basic principles of Ayurvedic cooking with the six tastes, energetic and post digestive effect of the seasonal ingredients & their good combination to balance the doshas and seasonal energies. We will cook together, share new and re-create old recipes with the guidelines of Ayurveda and also learn about the direct impact of our food on our health and wellbeing.
800 EUR*
*12 months membership (3*4 months)

Ayurveda Start +
A personalised learning possibility to take your Ayurveda knowledge further then general
This course is designed for those who prefer to work in private.
Depending on your interest it can be a 1-4 day personalized retreat online or a guided self-learning on and off line.
The package includes 3 Ayurveda Yoga videos, membership to the Facebook Ayurveda Group to keep on learning, Basics of Ayurveda handout with dosha specific recipes and a private 2 hrs personalised discussion session.
79 EUR*
*Price can vary depending on what you choose

Cooking Club+
This course is available in hungarian only
This course is for those who have completed with me the 12 months of cooking club or have solid understanding of the basics of Ayurveda and ready to take that further with another 12 months, one, 3-4 hours session per month. These sessions will include antient text studies, lectures with reputated ayurvedic doctors and co-hosted lectures with other experts in specific fields.
If you speak hungarian and would like to join please send me an e-mail for the details.
If you do not speak hungarian, but would be interested please let me know via the contact page.
See page in hungarian
*12 classes (3 hours each ever third Saturday of the month)

Ayurveda Makeover
A 6 months Ayurvedic Lifestyle Mentor Progarm to implement Ayurveda into your everyday life
If you are ready to take a deep dive into Ayurveda to reshape your life, but lack the motivation and/or you are lost how to do, this couching possibility is designed for you! It is a 6 month program (1 month intensive in special cases) during which you will learn how to implement Ayurveda into your everyday life through daily routine, food, cosmetics, spices and herbs, and of course heaps of yoga, breathing and meditation. All this suiting you personally: your body, existing conditions and frames. You will be guided, supported and held accountable.
1490 EUR*
*60+ hours of private tuition, price depends on your personal package

Ayurveda Mentor
This course is available in hungarian only
This course is second level, specially designed for Ayurvedic Therapists to take their understanding of Ayurveda further so they are able to see better their role in the support of paitents with various diseases.
The deeper understanding of diagnostics and ourselves helps better identify our possibilites and our limitations in the support.
If you speak hungarian and would like to join please visit the hungarian version of the page by clicking 'tell me more'.
If you do not speak hungarian, but would be interested please let me know via the contact page.
See page in hungarian
*16 classes (3 hours each for 4 months March onwards)